What Does A Kilogram of Seed Potatoes Look Like?

If you’ve never grown spuds before, choosing which ones to buy can be daunting. You know how big your plot is and how many you can plant in it, any good gardening book will tell you that, but how do you know what quantity to order online when they’re sold by weight rather then quantity?

Being an avid cook myself I can generally eyeball X number of grams of po-tay-toes. But when it comes to the mysterious ‘seed’ potato, how many are there in a Kilogram? Does each variety differ? What if a full potato would tip the balance over 1kg; would I get half of one?

It’s a minefield out there people!

Thankfully you have moi, yours truly, asker of all those stupid questions you never dared to ask to take up this mash-mantle. I have taken it upon myself to grow not one but two varieties of spud this year and can tell you in good faith that a Kilogram of spuds looks simultaneously like this:

One kilogram of international kidney potatoes

Or this:

One kilogram of sarpo mira potatoes and a few oca currently under attack from the neighbouring hyacinth

The answer is the exact number varies, but looks to be between 12 – 15 seed potatoes per Kilogram, depending on how large they are.

Are you growing potatoes this year?


7 thoughts on “What Does A Kilogram of Seed Potatoes Look Like?

  1. I’m growing 2 first earlies, 2 earlies and 2 mains…last year I had one of each in two rows…nowhere near enough for our family! I’m not planting yet though. Easter is early this year, I think I’ll wait for the ground to warm up a little more 😆

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